Comprehensive Guide Effective Fat Freezing Treatment

Fat freezing treatment is becoming increasingly popular, but there are still a lot of people that are unsure how effective it is. In this blog post, we'll take a look at this body contouring treatment, what it is, how it works, and whether it is effective.

Keep reading to learn more!

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What is Fat Freezing Treatment?

Fat freezing treatment is a non-invasive procedure that is fast and effective. It involves using cryolipolysis technology to freeze fat cells, which is a safe alternative to liposuction. Fat freezing treatment doesn't have any downtime and patients can return to normal activities immediately after the treatment.

Fat freezing treatment involves inserting a cooling applicator (the size of a wand) into the skin and applying controlled cooling to targeted areas of the body. The fat cells then crystallise and die, resulting in a noticeable reduction of fat on stubborn areas. The procedure is simple and can be performed in a doctor's office or clinic, making it a convenient and hassle-free alternative to other methods of fat reduction.

How does Fat Freezing work?

Fat freezing is a simple way to reduce fat in certain areas of your body.

The technique involves placing a kilogram of fat-freezing gel into small applicator cups. These are then applied carefully to problem areas, such as your abdomen or thighs.

The gel is then left to freeze for about 60 minutes. During this time, your body absorbs the gel, which then turns your accumulated fat into crystals.

Once the gel has turned into crystalized fat, the applicator cups are moved to a separate room. This process is repeated a second or a third time, according to how many applicator cups you used on your body.

After the fat is crystallized, the applicator cups are placed onto a machine that uses a vacuum system to remove the crystallized fat from your body. This crystallized fat is then disposed of.

Unlike liposuction, fat freezing doesn't cause scarring, so the fat that is removed is permanently gone.

What Results can I expect?

The CoolSculpting treatment is the only FDA-cleared, non-surgical fat reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise. The results are proven, noticeable, and lasting, so you'll look and feel great from every angle.

95%of patients see a noticeable reduction in fat in the treated area 3months after a single treatment. Every body is different, but on average, patients see a 20% reduction in fat in the treated area.

What are the Benefits of Fat Freezing Treatment?

Many of us are overweight, sometimes by quite a lot. It is our responsibility to make sure we have a healthy weight and not cause ourselves unnecessary health problems. There are all sorts of diets and lifestyle changes you can make to lose weight.

However, sometimes dieting is not enough. If you are struggling to lose weight through dieting alone, there are a number of slimming techniques available to you. One of the most effective is known as fat freezing. More and more people are choosing this method as it has been shown to be effective.

Fat freezing is a non-surgical treatment that freezes fat cells. The fat is then removed by the body. This treatment means you do not have to go on any strenuous diets.

Fat freezing works by the use of targeted cooling. The treatment is applied directly to the area of the body where extra fat is stored, causing the fat cells to freeze. The body then removes these fat cells naturally.

There are several advantages of fat freezing. It is non-invasive, which means there is no cutting or surgery involved. There is no damage to the skin, and only a small skin incision is required. There is no recovery time necessary.

Also, the treatment is painless, which means no anaesthetic is required. Also, it works quickly, with treatment times lasting from 30 minutes to an hour.

You do not have to worry about any side effects either. The treatment only targets the fat cells, and does not affect the skin or surrounding cells in any way.

Some possible side effects after fat freezing can include redness of the skin, swelling, bruising, and numbness. These are all temporary, however, and should go away after a short time. Also, in the event that you do experience any side effects, they are usually mild and should not last for long.

The patient should schedule a follow up appointment after two weeks. This appointment will give the patient the opportunity to discuss any concerns they have with the treatment. Also, this appointment will give the doctor the opportunity to examine the patient.

Patients can enjoy the results of fat freezing treatment even after they have finished treatment. After treatment, the patient should suffer no fat gain. Any weight lost can be permanent, as long as the patient maintains a healthy diet.

Fat freezing treatment is not for everyone, however. There are some patients who should not undergo treatment. These patients include people who suffer from a disorder of the blood, people who have a bleeding disorder, and women who are pregnant or nursing. Also, if a patient has suffered from extreme weight loss or has lost a large quantity of weight, they may not be a good candidate for the treatment.

What are the Risks?

Fat freezing isn't for everyone, so it's important to know what the risks are before undergoing the procedure.

Fat freezing is not as safe as liposuction, since it can result in permanent fat cell damage. While fat freezing is often a safe alternative to liposuction, it should never be used as an alternative to diet and exercise.

Risks include:

Fat freezing can damage the fat cells themselves. This means that cells that weren't damaged during the original procedure can be damaged over time, resulting in permanent fat cell damage. This can lead to lumpy skin, uneven fat cell distribution, and permanent scarring.

Fat freezing, like liposuction, can result in excessive skin damage and scarring.

The procedure is invasive. Since it involves being injected with a freezing solution, fat freezing is invasive. This means that the procedure needs to be performed by a trained professional.

Fat freezing isn't permanent. Like all other non-invasive and surgical fat reduction procedures, fat freezing is not permanent. This means that you will need to undergo periodic maintenance sessions to maintain your results.


Fat freezing treatment is not currently approved by the FDA. That means it isn't a regulated, standard approach to fat reduction. However, the injection itself is completely safe. The human body will naturally dispose of the cells. So, once the body has absorbed the fat cells, it naturally eliminates them.